James Tenney Scores
Known Typos and Mistakes
Page done
collaboration with the James Tenney Estate and advisors
(Larry Polansky, Cassie
Streb, Lauren
Pratt, Mike Winter)
Tableaux Vivant
- mm 13; beat 1; Bsn; hold the tie
over on the b from the preceding bar
- mm 16; beat 3; Sop. Sax; third
of the triplet; f becomes f#
- mm 17; beat 3; Sop. Sax; third
of the triplet; f becomes f#
- mm 40; beat 1; Sop. Sax; hold the
tie over on the e from the preceding bar
- mm 49; beat 1; Pno RH; hold the
over on the g from the preceding bar
- <>mm 277; beat 1; Vibr;
third note
of the triplet; add a courtesy natural sign on the d
Harmonium #2
- In the published score, Smith Editions (as
of 4/1/14), the very last system of the piece, guitar 2
(lower system), is wrong. It would be correct if it were
written in the bass clef (at pitch), that is, it is a Gb
major arpeggio (1-3-5-1'), not the strange Eb-ish
arpeggio in the current score. The guitar chords are a
tritone apart.