Music 8/85
Music of Today
Dartmouth College
Spring, 2007

Term-length/Final Projects


All final papers are due at the time of the Final Exam (where we will have several presentations)

Music 8:  Each Music 8 student will work in a group of 3 to do a final presentation on a specific topic, artist, piece by an artist or composer, narrowly restricted style, composer, idea. These topics should be:
(An ever-growing, rather random list of artists and topics can be seen here).

You're welcome to suggest topics/artists/pieces to me to work on, but I will reserve veto power.

I will assign the groups.

Each group of students will do two and in-class presentations in the latter half of the term. At a date to be announced, each group will turn in to me, in electronic form (we'll post these all on the web):
The  final presentation will be half of one class. 

Each of the final presentations must be accompanied by your notes, expanded from your talk, in the form of a paper, submitted to me in hard-copy and electronic format. The final submitted paper should have a bibliography/discography.
We will discuss more about this as the class progresses.

It is important that students keep in close touch with me throughout the term about regarding their progress on these projects. I am available to help, advise, read, whenever you need me.


A current list of teams, final projects, presentation dates for Music 8 and 85

Music 85

Selected final projects (interviews/papers on living composers: Kui Dong) archived here by permission