Miscellaneous writings about my work, interviews, links to a few reviews, radio shows, etc.


a few reviews, previews

on the four voice canons
Interview, by Noah Zane, with me and Jody Diamond about Frog Peak Music in Splendid

Interview in the New Music Box, American Music Center

Blog about Ensemble of Note, by Seth Colter Walls, in The Awl (1/11/11)

Radio show on my work, Dutch Radio, concertzender, 3/1/11

Interview by Rachel Vandegriff, Perspectives of New Music 50th anniversary issue

Memoir by claudio calmens, includes a nice recollection of 34 Chords

“Heterophonic Tunings in the Music of Larry Polansky” by Giacomo Fiore, Tempo 68 (267) 29–41. 2014 Cambridge University Press

Answers to questions from Miguel Copon, from Prepared Guitar Blogspot, about being a guitarist. (Plain text of answers to questions is here)

Answers to questions from Nate Wooley about Christian Wolff and improvisation (and Trio)

Interview by Molly Sheridan, American Music Center, about edition of Ruth Crawford Seeger's The Music of American Folksong (200?)

"Larry Polansky on HMSL and Computer Music," Interview with Alistair Riddell, Chroma, Newsletter of the Australian Computer Music Association, Number 3/4, December, 1989

"Intervista a Larry Polansky," with Sergio Sorrentino, in Nuova Musica per Chitarra, 2015

older things