Please record your own parts to the piece, in any usable medium (high quality cassette, CD, mini-disk, DAT) at a tempo of eighth-note equals 180 your realization of the score. (That is, the basic pulse of eighth = 180 applies to the beamed notes in the score).
You may record in one continuous take, or in as many short takes as you want. Be as creative as you like (within the tempo and instructions for the piece).
All versions submitted will be mixed by Daniel Goode, Larry Polansky and Tom Erbe, into the universal realization. Your version can be any length, though we may not use all of it.
Any instrument(s), any tuning, any combination of instruments and tunings.
We would like any information about your instrumentation and tuning, recording, any acknowledgements, but it is not necessary for inclusion in the grand mix. We definitely need your name in very clear form, or how you would like to be credited.